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Welcome to LifeNets The Wheelchair Project!
The goal of LifeNet's Wheelchair Project is to put wheelchairs that are not currently being used into the hands of someone who can benefit from them.
LifeNet's Wheelchair Project is for those living in the United States. The program is designed to facilitate the exchange of wheelchairs between individuals and is not for the use of vendors or distributors.
Use the buttons above to navigate the equipment network. You may browse our listings ananymously (without having an account or being logged in), however to view contact information and/or post your own items, you must be a registered user and be logged in.
If you need to reach us by e-mail, please e-mail us at mike@lifenets.org
LifeNets is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. A receipt for your donation will be sent to you on your request.
When a match is found for your donation, please return to the "My Account" page and request a receipt by providing us with the name and address of the recipient.